No Job too Big or too Small


Public Works: Water and Sewer Network system

Power Construction

Installing of 400mm and 355mm HDPE Pipe for Water and Sewer

Department of Public Works

Emergency repair of water supply and Roads to Dude
Hostel Complex in Soweto

CMC Africa

Mozambique; Swaziland: Building of Irrigation plant

Fry`s Metals

Manufacturing of Led Conveyors. Installing of PP Pipes, Upgrading of PP, HDPE water systems

Waste Teck

Installing of HDPE Gas Network System

South Sound

Waterkloof Air Force Base: Installing of sewer lines, Supplying of HDPE Manholes and upgrading of existing water lines.

L & R Civils

Impala Platinum: Installing of HDPE 450mm and 200mm water system

TMP Group

Anglo Platinum: Installing of Borehole pump lines, supplying of valves, fittings, flow meters and welding of HDPE Pipe 355mm, 250mm, 200mm, 110mm

Department of Housing

Carports for RDP Houses

Glen Douglas

Install of HDPE Water systems fore Crushers. Supplying of HDPE Fittings. Repair of clayton valves.